Cultural Resources

S&ME offers a full range of high quality cultural resource services for the identification, evaluation, and management of archaeological sites, historic structures, cemeteries, and other objects of historical significance.

Cultural resource investigations are often necessary to comply with federal, state, or local laws regarding historic preservation. Although consideration of cultural resources is a requirement for many federal and state undertakings, there are substantial benefits in doing these types of investigations as early in the process as possible. Foremost, it helps avoid costly delays by knowing whether significant archaeological sites, cemeteries, or buildings are on a subject property. With this knowledge, the planning process may focus on avoiding these resources, saving time and money, rather than having to complete additional investigations and mitigation measures later in the project.

Federal agencies typically requiring cultural resources services include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Defense, Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration, and others. State permits and programs, such as the Environmental Policy Acts, Coastal Area Management Acts, and Industrial Site Certification Programs also may require cultural resources services.

Projects may benefit from proactive historic preservation planning by leveraging historic tax credits to help rehabilitate historic structures and offset development costs. Additionally, development within local historic districts often necessitates navigating local design review guidelines and regulations. Utilizing the knowledge of historic preservation professionals to complete this process can streamline the project planning process for our clients.

S&ME has the experience and personnel to help our clients navigate the cultural resources requirements for their projects. Our services include:

  • Archaeological Investigations: Reconnaissance surveys, Phase I investigations, Phase II testing, and Phase III data recovery and mitigation studies
  • Federal, state, and local government and tribal consultation
  • Historic Architecture Surveys and Analysis (reconnaissance, intensive level, HABS/HAER Documentation)
  • Historic Preservation Planning (NRHP Nominations, Historic Tax Credit Applications, Historic Preservation Design Guidelines)
  • Cemetery Investigations and Studies