S&ME Wins 2022 ACEC/NC Grand Conceptor Engineering Excellence Award for Work on Dominion Energy Project
November 12, 2021
The American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina (ACEC/NC) announced Engineering Excellence Awards for 2022, selecting the S&ME’s work on the Dominion Energy T-072 Natural Gas Pipeline Project in Buncombe County, North Carolina as the Grand Conceptor winner.
ACEC/NC’s Grand Conceptor Award signifies the year’s most outstanding engineering achievement.

Pictured from left to right, S&ME employee-owners Carl Rogers, Joey Lawler, Erik Hartwick, and Chris Stahl accept the Grand Conceptor award.

ACEC National Recognition Award

In addition to the ACEC/NC Grand Conceptor Engineering Excellence Award, the Dominion Energy T-072 Natural Gas Pipeline Project also won the “National Recognition Award” from (ACEC); a prestigious distinction that highlights previously-awarded projects that have achieved excellence at the state level.
Dominion Energy T-072 Natural Gas Pipeline Project
Dominion Energy’s T-072 Natural Gas Pipeline Project in Buncombe County, North Carolina (near Asheville) connects Duke Energy’s Asheville Combine Cycle Station to provide cleaner energy to the region of roughly 450,000 homes across the Carolinas. In addition, the project included a challenging mountainous site with numerous rivers, streams, and wetland crossings. Implementation of sustainable design methods minimized land disturbance and mitigated environmental impacts.

This project included the installation of 11.1 miles of 12-inch diameter steel natural gas pipeline and several associated natural gas facilities. S&ME provided civil, geotechnical, environmental design, permitting, and construction support. Throughout the project, our Energy team worked with Dominion to reduce environmental impacts. For example, we developed better stormwater management and erosion control best management practices and enhanced standard temporary and permanent measures to accommodate extreme storm events using innovative and sustainable best management practices along environmentally sensitive areas during construction. In addition, we implemented stream restoration designs that incorporated natural materials for the 15 stream crossings along the project. Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) technology was also used to reduce environmental impacts.

S&ME Services
All S&ME services on this multi-disciplined project included the following:
- E&SC Plan design and permitting
- Floodplain permitting
- Navigable Waters permitting
- Stream/wetland delineations
- Threatened and Endangered species assessments
- Cultural resources services
- Section 404/401 permitting
- Regulatory/Agency coordination
- Blue Ridge Parkway Easement
- Geotechnical services – 11 HDDs
- Environmental services – multiple brownfield sites
- Retaining wall and culvert design
- Pipe storage yard layout and permitting
- Post-Construction storm water permitting
- Design of permanent stream crossings and stream bank stabilization
- Environmental assessment
- Environmental inspection services during construction

S&ME Partnership
Our client, Dominion Energy, was actively involved during the design development and permitting stage of the project. This cooperative relationship allowed the work to continue on a progressive schedule and within a defined budget.
We express sincere gratitude for this award and our partnership with Dominion Energy, Buncombe County, and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ).