Daniel Island Container Terminal (State Piers 51 & 52)

Island ProjectDaniel Island Final ProjectDaniel Island Project
Island Project
Daniel Island Final Project
Daniel Island Project

The South Carolina State Ports Authority (SCSPA) purchased tracts of land for a new terminal on Daniel Island. The area lies at the tip of the island jutting into the Charleston Harbor. The vast majority of this land consists of wide-open dredge disposal basins built over saltwater marshland.  Consequently, the subsurface conditions are of highly compressible silt and clay.

S&ME provided preliminary geotechnical studies of two tracts totaling 1500 acres.  The five-mile waterfront contained saltwater marshland and tidal mudflats, and was either below or above the desired elevation.

A ll told, our studies associated with development of the Daniel Island Terminal included over 25,000 linear feet of standard penetration test (SPT) borings and cone penetration test (CPT) soundings, hundreds of hours of in situ (dilatometer and vane shear) testing, and over 11,000 engineering man-hours.


  • Preliminary geotechnical investigation for major terminal